TuffAnt Action Giveaway 2024!
Entries are now closed!
2023 Winner: Kris Eric

2023 Runner-Up: Gavin Convoy
Terms & Conditions
Some of the boring but important stuff. This is all pretty straightforward, but has to be said anyway. - Pics must be of your purchased TuffAnts, on your registered vehicle. - You can use natural pics, filters, editing, but you must have full copyright ownership of your submitted pics. - Content must be respectful and lawful. - You must be willing for TuffAnt to use your submitted pics for marketing purposes and to publish your name. After all, it’s your pic, your car, your TuffAnts… we want to give you full credit! - Importantly, outside of photo credit, TuffAnt will NEVER give your personal details to any third party... ever. Also... Keep it clean folks, we love dirt, but please no sexually explicit, abusive or offensive pics. Prize is not transferable or exchangeable, nor can it be taken as cash.